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Event: Product Clicked

This event is typically triggered when a customer clicks on a specific product on a website or mobile app. The expected properties for this event include information such as the product price, quantity, SKU, ID, position on the page, name, URL, brand, variant information, and category. All of these properties are optional and will not cause errors if they are not included.

Expected properties.


All properties are optional. If any property is missing it will not be processed and no error will be reported.

Name Expected type Example
price float 19.99
quantity int 1
sku string "12345"
id string Product ID: "12345-abc-398jsd8"
position int 1
name string "Example Product"
brand string "Adidas"
url.image url url
variant.size string XL
variant.color string "Red" string "Red LS"
category string "Apparel"

Auto indexing

Auto indexing helps to make data easy to find by creating a structure that organizes the data. This structure is made by copying information from the different parts of the data and putting it into a specific format that can be used to analyze and group the data. This is particularly helpful when dealing with unstructured data that needs to be organized in order to be useful.

This table describes which event property will be copied to event traits.

Event trait Event properties id name
ec.product.sku sku
ec.product.category category
ec.product.brand brand
ec.product.variant variant
ec.product.price price
ec.product.quantity quantity
ec.product.position position

Copy event data to profile

Data will not be copied to profile.

JSON example

  "price": 19.99,
  "quantity": 1,
  "sku": "12345",
  "id": "67890",
  "position": 2,
  "name": "Example Product",
  "url": {
    "page": "",
    "image": ""
  "brand": "Example Brand",
  "variant": {
    "size": "Small",
    "name": "Example Product - Small - Red",
    "color": "Red"
  "category": "Example Category"

Tracker example

// Track Product Clicked event
window.tracker.track('product-clicked', {
    "price": 19.99,
    "quantity": 1,
    "sku": "12345",
    "id": "67890",
    "position": 2,
    "name": "Example Product",
        "page": "",
        "image": ""
    "brand": "Example Brand",
    "variant": {
        "size": "Small",
        "name": "Example Product - Small - Red",
        "color": "Red"
    "category": "Example Category"