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Corporate reputation plugin

This plugin sends given text to MeaningCloud's Corporate reputation API to analyze it for included opinions about companies.


This plugin takes any payload as input.


This plugin returns response from API on port response, or optional error info on error port if one occurs.

Plugin configuration

  • MeaningCloud resource - select your MeaningCloud resource, containing your MeaningCloud API token.
  • Path to text - type in the path to the text that you want to analyze.
  • Path to language - type in the path to the language of the text (es, en) you can type the language itself as well. This option can be left as auto for automatic language detection.
  • Focus on company - you can optionally provide a name of company for API to focus on when analyzing your text.
  • Filter by company type - you can filter your results by company type. It should be provided according to MeaningCloud's ontology.
  • Relaxed typography - You can enable this option to make the API less strict in terms of spelling and mistakes.

Advanced configuration

  "source": {
    "name": "<name-of-your-meaningcloud-resource>",
    "id": "<id-of-your-meaningcloud-resource>"
  "text": "<path-to-text-to-analyze>",
  "lang": "<path-to-language-or-language-itself>",
  "focus": "<name-of-company-to-focus-on>",
  "company_type": "<type-of-company-to-filter-with>",
  "relaxed_typography": "<bool>"