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CiviCRM is a web-based suite of internationalized open-source software for constituency relationship management. CiviCRM is designed to manage information about an organization's donors, members, event registrants, subscribers, grant-application seekers and funders, and case contacts. Volunteers, activists, and voters - as well as more general sorts of business contacts such as employees, clients, or vendors.

Resource configuration and set-up

To set up this resource, API key, Site key and API URL are needed.


API keys are unique to CiviCRM contacts. You should add the API key to the contact, and grant appropriate permissions to this contact. You can do it by API explorer, or editing/adding a contact in any other way.

Site key

Site key can be found in civicrm.settings.php file on the server. Its location can vary between CMSs and versions. The file should contain something like:

if (!defined('CIVICRM_SITE_KEY')) {
  define( 'CIVICRM_SITE_KEY', 'qwednKcpN93x0mvv');

In this case, the Site key is qwednKcpN93x0mvv.


Here provide the host of your CiviCRM instance, extended by /sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/rest.php, or the location of rest.php file if it has been moved.