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Workers Installation

Tracardi relies on four different workers to ensure smooth operations and efficient processing of data. Each worker serves a specific purpose in the Tracardi ecosystem. Below are details about each worker and instructions on how to set them up.

Open-source workers

1. Migration and Import Worker

The Migration and Import Worker is responsible for system upgrades and data import tasks, which are carried out in the background. It ensures a seamless transition when updating the Tracardi system and handles data imports efficiently.

To run the Migration and Import Worker, execute the following Docker command:

docker run \
-e REDIS_HOST=redis://<redis-ip>:6379 \

Please ensure that you replace <redis-ip> with the actual IP address of your Redis instance.

Commercial workers

In order to install commercial version you will need to log-in to docker hub with our credentials.

docker login -u tracardi -p <token>

And paste the credentials that we have sent you.

Set up License Key

Then create a file .env-docker and paste the LICENSE in it:

API_LICENSE="paste license here"

When running linux:

set -a
source .env-docker

2. Segmentation and Mapping

The Commercial Worker for Segmentation, Post-Collection Event Mapping, and Post-Collection Profile Mapping plays a vital role in processing commercial tasks, including segmentation (both workflow and conditional) and mapping events and profiles after collection.

To run this worker, execute the following Docker command:

docker run \
-e ELASTIC_HOST=http://<elastic-ip>:9200 \
-e REDIS_HOST=redis://<redis-ip>:6379 \

3. Scheduler Worker

The Scheduler Worker is a commercial worker responsible for processing delayed events. It ensures that time-based triggers and other delayed tasks are executed efficiently.

To run the Scheduler Worker, execute the following Docker command:

docker run \
-e ELASTIC_HOST=http://<elastic-ip>:9200 \
-e REDIS_HOST=<redis-ip> \

4. Post-Collection Worker

The Post-Collection Event Mapping, and Post-Collection Profile Mapping is required for mapping events and profiles after collection.

docker run \
-e ELASTIC_HOST=http://<elastic-ip>:9200 \
-e REDIS_HOST=redis://<redis-ip>:6379 \

5. Trigger Worker

The trigger worker is in charge of initiating workflows when a profile gets added to a specific segment.

docker run \
-e ELASTIC_HOST=http://<elastic-ip>:9200 \
-e REDIS_HOST=redis://<redis-ip>:6379 \