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Scheduler Installation

The Scheduler is an essential component of the commercial Tracardi platform. Certain functionalities within Tracardi, such as the "Pause and Resume", or "Run In Background" plugin and any time-based triggers, rely on the Scheduler.

To successfully run the Scheduler, you will need to set up the following Docker containers:

  • tracardi/com-tracardi-scheduler-worker: This container processes triggers.

Starting the Docker Containers

Before starting the Docker containers, ensure that the container is configured in the same way as tracardi/tracardi-api. If the API is set to run as a multi-tenant application, the Scheduler must also be configured accordingly.

The Scheduler does not need to be explicitly set to PRODUCTION=yes or no. The production context is specified in the task description, enabling the Scheduler to connect to the appropriate database.

If you do not set up the multi-tenancy correctly, you may encounter the following error: "invalid source."

Use the following example Docker command to start the worker container:

docker run \
-e ELASTIC_HOST=http://<es-host>:9200 \
-e REDIS_HOST=<redis-host> \
-e MULTI_TENANT_MANAGER_URL=http://<tms-host>:8080 \

For non-multi-tenant setups, use the following Docker command:

docker run \
-e ELASTIC_HOST=http://<es-host>:9200 \
-e REDIS_HOST=<redis-host> \

Please ensure that you replace the environment variable values (ELASTIC_HOST, REDIS_HOST, etc.) with the appropriate configurations for your specific setup.