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What is Tenant Management Service (TMS)?

Tenant Management Service (TMS) in a Multi-Tenant Environment

In a multi-tenant setup, Tenant Management Service (TMS) is a dedicated microservice responsible for efficiently managing the tenants within the system. Tenant Management involves overseeing various aspects related to individual tenants in a platform.

The key responsibilities of the Tenant Management Service (TMS) include:

  1. Creating Tenants: TMS is responsible for creating new tenant accounts within the system. It sets up the necessary infrastructure and resources for each tenant, ensuring their isolation and independence.

  2. Retrieving Tenant Information: TMS provides functionality to query and access specific data, settings, and attributes associated with existing tenants. This allows the system to retrieve tenant-related information whenever needed.

  3. Validating Tenants: TMS ensures that only valid and authorized tenants can access the system. It performs checks to verify if a tenant is registered and has the required permissions to use the platform.

  4. Tracardi Integration: In a multi-tenant environment, where multiple tenants interact with the system, TMS plays a pivotal role. It validates tenant credentials, ensures they are registered, and handles operations such as creating or deleting a tenant.

To create a new tenant in Tracardi's multi-tenant setup, developers use the Tenant Management Service (TMS) API. The process involves setting up the TMS, making an API call to create a new tenant, and providing essential information to set up the tenant. The API returns a generated API key, which serves as the authentication token for accessing the Tracardi API on behalf of the tenant. Additionally, TMS facilitates the creation of a tenant domain, installation token, and other essential components for the tenant.